Home Health Family Medicine Specialists Call for Timely Health Screening

Family Medicine Specialists Call for Timely Health Screening

Target audiences varied from UiTM staff and the general public. Viewers were invited to post questions to the speakers for discussion after every weekly topic.

Written By : Dr. Lina Lohshini Kanoo, MBBS (India) / (MAFP/FRACGP(Australia)

SUNGAI BULOH, 17 AUGUST 2022 : The month of July saw the Department of Primary Care Medicine, Sungai Buloh Campus spring into its annual Program Komuniti Jom Sihat Julai drive. The theme of early health screening, Saringan Kesihatan Awal ‘Ambil Tahu, Jangan Tunggu!’ could not have been more apt in 2022, being in line with the Ministry of Health’s urge for a post-pandemic reboot in the annual non-communicable disease (NCD) screening.

Health screening is a process of identifying healthy people who may be at risk for a disease or condition. The purpose of primary care is to offer information, further tests, and a timely pathway to treatment. With early health screening, comes the golden opportunity of early intervention and improved disease outcomes as opposed to late detection. Early intervention further translates into improved cost-effectiveness in health care.

Via, Program Komuniti Jom Sihat Julai: 2022 – Saringan Kesihatan Awal ‘Ambil Tahu, Jangan Tunggu!’, health topics were selected to highlight adult health screening available for general population attending Klinik Perubatan Primer, PPUiTM and other healthcare facilities. Hour-long virtual talks with question-and-answer sessions were spread over the five Friday afternoons in July, covering subjects such as diabetes and hypertension risks and assessments, obesity and weight management, cervical cancer screening, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer screenings available at primary health care facilities.

Target audiences varied from UiTM staff and the general public. Viewers were invited to post questions to the speakers for discussion after every weekly topic. An active and engaging session then ensued with answers addressed live on social media. Viewers were facilitated with current and sound information on the various screening and treatment pathway options available. Efforts were taken to highlight the benefits of early detection of cancer and chronic diseases, as well as to allay concerns about myths surrounding cancer and chronic diseases.

The proverbial saying, “prevention is better than cure” remains the fundamental pillar of healthcare. To this end, family medicine specialists in UiTM through their annual Program Komuniti Jom Sihat Julai: 2022 – Saringan Kesihatan Awal ‘Ambil Tahu, Jangan Tunggu!’ event, have taken yet another step in instilling the awareness of prevention and early detection of cancer and chronic diseases via health screening to ensure improved disease outcomes and cost-effectiveness in health care.


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